In Prayer For You

 I can pray for you, Oh friend of mine..

I can

ask the Lord, for you to dine.

But if my words, are blocked by you..

You cannot reap, what is your due.

I can seek the Lord, in sun or rain..

Turn night to day, in hope to gain.

Yet if you do not, change your ways..

A suddenly, is just a faze.

Dressed in ashes, on my knees..

I can weep, like leaves on trees.

But all my sweat and tears, will fail..

If you proudly, grime and wail.

All I must, in prayer for you..

Haply stands, for you to chew.

Just to till, the soil to plant..

You must bow, instead of rant.

Love prevails, inside my heart..

For I know, you need a start.

I beseech you, friend so dear..

You must taste and keep God near.


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