God Is Good

 God is good, all the time..

All the time, God is good.

When the sun, comes out to play..

God is there, to light the way.

Will you speak, against the Lord..

When trials come, without a sword?

Will your words, say God is good..

When silence lurks, where once you stood?

All alone, with pain and fear..

When darkness comes and no one cares.

Will your heart,

shout God is good..

And bow down, on cedarwood?

You loose you home and have no meat..

And tears abound, upon your feet.

Will you rise and say, God is good..

Though you wish, you understood?

On a bed, you lie awake..

As coldness covers, every ache.

Will your faith, say God is good..

While howling winds, rage as it should?


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