Even In Failure
The most faithful servants of God, cannot escape the results of their failure in this life.
Moses failed by being disobedient to the God of glory, at the waters of Meribah. Yet he still found favour with the Lord and was allowed to see the promised land from afar.
There may be times as a servant, you will fall short of the glory of the Lord... but the mercies of God will forever be upon you.
God's promises to His children are yea and amen. He is not a man that He should lie. We will fail, but He cannot fail.
It is much to understand the power of obedience. It is stringent to man, that they are wrestled daily... For the trying of their faith worketh patience.
Man cannot live on earth, without the empowered manifestation of the knowledge of God. It is their fulfillment of necessity, to bear the clothing of righteousness.
Even in failure, there is preparation. Even in failure, there is ri
sing. Even in failure, there is purpose. Even in failure, there is storytelling and blessings.
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