Your Death Is A Gain

 God has designed rest for the righteous..

It is costly. 

Doing that which is right, is often extremely challenging and brings despair in your weakest moments.

When the chosen children of the Most High God 

dies, it means deliverance from the evil days ahead.

Your death becomes a gain, because you will escape the evil coming forth, upon a wicked generation.

The righteous were ignored and persecuted, by the wicked leaders of Judah.

Yet God did not leave them, nor forsake them. 

He took them away, so that they might enter into peace.

Oftentimes we see the sins of others, but we are blinded by our own.

We become enhanced and excited, to bring to the fore, those who commit spiritual adultery.

Verily, verily, the province of stature whereby those

enigmatic foes fly, buds and blossom into their eternal damnation.


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