What Is Written In God's Word

 Labour not, to be a rich man..

For someone else, might do better than you can.

Make no friendship, with slothful fools..

For the path you will take, will be your enemies tools.

As a man thinketh, so is he..

So fill up your mind, with wisdom to see.

Rise up each morning and bow down in prayer..

For the righteous speaks, to an anointed ear.

Flee from the company, of unruly men..

For those who are chosen, come out from the den.

Purpose in your heart, that all would be well..

So the treasures you store up, will be stories you can tell.

The seeds that you sow, must be on good ground..

Watered from the river, where grace can be found.

Set in your heart, the instructions of the Lord..

For your destiny will take you, where obedience is your sword.

Fret not yourself, when surrounded by your foes..

For you will forebear, while they quake in their toes.

Surely in the end, well done will be heard..

Only if you covet, what is written in God's Word.


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