My Story Begins In Heaven

 My story begins in heaven.

My members were fashioned within.


tingle of thoughts, were ordered and made..

Destined and commanded, by glorious brocade.

All through my travels, I have encountered many ails..

Questions were answered, while others set sail.

Grappled with doubts, of which courses to take..

The voices in heaven rumbled, as my Saviour spake.

Too much of worry and time laid waste..

When I thought of laughing, in tarry and haste.

Each chapter though sprinkled, with smiles and with joy..

I beheld many facets, of my enemy's ploy.

My story will continue, when I am in rest..

Served on a platter, to feast for each test.

Gathered together, with Prophets of old..

I will be taken, away from the cold.


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