Salvation Is For All

 Humble yourself and go before the Lord..

Repent of your sins and get rid of your discord.

If you are to be counted, a child of the King..

Come out from among those, who do not want you to sing.

The company you keep, might be those who deceive.

Their words shoot like arrows and there is nothing to receive.

The cost of your gift, is not for the weak..

Be strong as a lion and go to God, for to seek.

Tears in your eyes, may be clouds on your way..

In plenty or in want, on your knees you must pray.

Salvation is for all, but you must choose your path..

For only to the unrighteous, God will say depart.

Maintain your focus and do not look behind..

For what has been done, is like vomit of its kind.

Draw from the Cross, while it is day..

For the coming of the Lord, is without much delay.


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