My Crown Keeps Slipping Off
I sit in my hammock, in the still of the night..
I pour out my heart, without great delight.
My soul feels so hungry and void of a kiss..
And I am in wanting, of tranquility's
Weighed down with sorrow, I weep at your feet..
Like a dry fountain, where waters never meet.
Plucked as I am, I withdraw into myself..
For the roaring of my burdens, consume me like an elf.
Yet my lips shall rejoice, though my yearnings are so great..
I will praise you in honour, for the feast on my plate.
With my slaying at all ends, I will rise up and be strong..
For the God of heaven's mercy, will right every wrong.
My crown keeps slipping off, as I get down on my knees..
And I consult with my heartbeat, for the life in the trees.
To crawl up to the mountain, I crave for the day..
For yet in the closet, I seek you as I pray.
Fearfulness and trembling, await me in the night..
While shadows in the silence, lay hidden from my sight.
My heart is fixed, Oh Lord, to the whisper of your name..
So come ever quickly and take me from this flame.
A net, Oh Lord, a net has been set..
To catch me in the masquerade, as bidding has been met.
Awake for me my glory, with fire from the Son..
And softer than the oil, let your words shoot like a gun.
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