Many Voices Speaks To Us

Many voices speaks to us..
Some say they are this and some say they are that.
As a child of God, it is imperative that you know which voice you should listen to. 

Sometimes you might feel intimidated,

by what is being said.... and you begin to question who you are and what you do, in the kingdom of God.

Gather your thoughts and take it to the Lord..
Let your cares and concerns, be placed on His board.
The right hand of God, is there to unfold..
The weapons of doubt and the lies, you are told.

Seek not to worry, but tarry in prayer..
Let your vision prevail, though you are deep in despair.
The path you must take, is not for your friend..
For by grace you are saved, till by God it must end.

Let not your heart, be overcome with pride..
For in hell you will cry, with arms open wide.
Pray for discernment, as a child of the King..
And with a voice of triumph, rejoice as you sing.


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