In The Time Of Trouble, Where Do You Go

Are your feet standing, in an even place...
When the wicked surrounds you, as you run this race?
In the time of trouble, where do you go...
Do you cry out loud, to the God you know?

Do you hide your face, from the ruler of this world..
Or rise with power, though your toes may curl?
When falsely accused, by mockers who rage..
Do you cower and cry, or turn the page?

When your bones speak, with songs of praise..
Do you give heed, or sit and gaze?
Your habitation, though humble and meek..
Should give reverence, to the God you seek.

Do you till your land, so bread would come...
Or wallow in pity, in poverty's glum?
The fatness of the Lord, is the pureness of your heart..
And scornful slothless, is an evil doer's path.

Where there is pride, then cometh shame.
Will you bow to wickedness and play the devil's game?
The secrets of the talebearer, is a revelation of hate..
So follow after righteousness and graciously walk by faith.


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