Be A Gangster For Jesus

 Rise up remnant, there is work to be done..

The harvest is ripe, so give heed to the Son.

Keep your eyes to the front and run like the wind..

For the chariot is coming, for those who have turned from sin.

Get into your closet and pray for the lost..

With sackcloth and ashes, do not count the cost.

The wayfaring man, must walk upon stones..

So be a gangster for Jesus, with faith in your bones.

The wheat and the tare, may interact at times..

But a shifting must champion, the weight of the crimes.

Be a Nehemiah and build up a wall..

For the work of the Lord, seeks obedience to His call.

You will be rejected, like never before..

You will be weakened, sometimes to your core.

 Remember Oh Remnant, for

thus saith the Lord..

To be counted worthy, you must do the will of God.

Angels you will find, with cake baked for you..

And your cup will run over, with water from the dew.

Speak with authority and destroy every foe..

For the armies of the Lord, will be with you as you go.


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