Woe Unto You

 Woe unto you, thou followers of Cain..

From the rising of the sun, you will wallow in your pain.

Woe to the heretics, who conform to this world..

For the day is coming, when you will be put out in the cold.

Woe to the Prophets, who lie to the sheep..

Who say they are prophesying, in the name of God who does not sleep.

Woe to the Pastors, who lead the sheep astray..

Who think to themselves, they can lie and betray.

Woe to the Ahabs and his whole family...

For misfortune and chaos, will fill you willy nilly.

Woe to the hands, that are quick to destroy..

The wheat in the fields, as it breaks like a toy.

Woe to the Jezebels, who trample with my own.

For soon my coals of fire, will melt them to their bone.

Woe to the altars, made with bare hands..

To tempt my little lambs, like the marching of a band.


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