Only Jesus Is Allowed

 I remember being lost and out in the deep..

I remember being cold and had no place to sleep.

I said to myself, it was me against the world..

But then I heard a voice declaring, I have called you to be bold.

The days when I sat, on stones that were rough..

The days when I longed, for more than just enough.

I separated myself, from those who were proud..

For in my choice to heal, only Jesus was allowed.

From lying in the dust, to a bed that was soft..

From many nights of weeping, in prayer I grew tough.

I trusted in the Lord, to supply all my needs..

Drawing from His grace, to go where HE leads.

When empty vessels spoke, with thorns at my side..

When arrows shot at will and no door was open wide.

It was then I raised a shout, with a Hallelujah high..

To declare to the world, on eagle's wings I would fly.

Though battles come and go, I know who is my friend..

As refined and as pure, He is with me till the end.

In my weakness

I am strong and I will press on with delight.

For glory awaits my presence and I thank God for His light.


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