Hope In The Valley

 The Lord bless you and keep you safe today..

In all that you do and in all you will pray.

Gather your wheat, in barns to be filled..

For famine may come, but you will fed from your mill.

Till the hard ground, with peaches and herb..

For tomorrow's chapter, will depend on God's Word.

Have love in your heart and pour upon the weak..

And stand strong in faith, as you wash those you seek.

In rushes of glee, as you travel along..

Know in your heart, you must arise and be strong.

Follow the instructions, of the precepts of the Lord..

And bow to His wishes and stay attached to His cord.

Grow in the grace and admonition, of the Lord..

For without any questions, you must be equipped to afford..

Hope in the valley, will bring in the harvest..

Where eagles soar, you will always find rest.


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