Great Is Your Reward

 Dress like the warrior, you were created to be.

Put on your armour, so your enemy will see.

Take up your sword and your shield, with might.

For the armies of the Lord, will be your defense in fight.

Do not fear the fox, or his demonic fold.

For you have been blessed, from before days of old.

Ride in your chariot, with horses of red..

For the battle you are in, will continue till you are dead.

Precepts and principles, of the Lord, you must hold.

For without any knowledge, your heart will be cold.

Ride with the tide and bow to the Lamb..

For the first and the last, will be your Gilead balm.

From the rising of the sun, to the setting of the same..

Let your voice be heard and your candle ever flame.

Hope in the valley, where snakes slither through.

For great is your reward, when you see what is due.

Know that you are strong, to climb upon the hill.

For in your care of comfort, your fears will be still.

Blessed be your footsteps, as you

chart on your course.

For your jubilee has come, to regain what you lost.


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