Father, Heal Our Nation

 Father, heal our nation... From every evil that is roaming out land.

Stretch forth your hand and touch with might, your sons and your daughters and equip them to stand.

Move by your power, with your armies at will.. To shoot and to kill, every demonic thrill.

Lord, I pray in Jesus name.. that every home and family, be protected and preserved and sustained, from every spirit of sickness, disease and infirmity. 

Let your blood flow freely over every pathway, every river, every stream, every water course in Jesus name.

May every stone cold heart be melted like wax, at the presence of the Most High God in this nation.

Move through every town, every city, every borough, every county, every region, every village, every nook, crack, cranny and hole in the mighty and precious name of Jesus.

Oh Lord God, forgive our sins because we have failed you. We have disappointed you. We have rejected you. We have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear, to your Pastors and Prophets as they preach and minister the gospel of the Living God.

Manifest your glory in the hearts of men and kill every evil thought, that is taking up residence in their minds and hearts and spirits Lord, in Jesus name.

Search our hearts and know our thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in us... And create in us a clean heart and renew the right spirit in us, in Jesus name.

Help us Oh Lord, to rise up. To be and to become, who you have created us to be... And be it so according to your living word.

Lord, we take back our homes and our families in Jesus name. We take back everything the devil stole from us. We declare that.. no weapon formed against us will ever prosper.. and every tongue that rise up against us, in judgment it will be condemned in Jesus name.

Father, we declare and we speak the Holy Spirit and the Blood of the Lamb, over the east, west north and south. We take back this nation for the kingdom of the Most High God. 

Thank you Holy Spirit, for healing our nation. Thank you for delivering us from everything that is evil, that would bring destruction and death and despair to our people in Jesus name. Lord we are grateful for your mercy and your grace and your blessings to us. Let your kingdom come and your will be done Father God, so that goodness and mercy will follow us throughout our lives.. Lord that in everything, You get the glory and the honour and the praise... Because without You, we are lost.



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