Your Oil Has Arrived

 There is a vision for yourself, and you pray it will come..

For deep within your heart, you have risen from the slum.

With tears and with sweat, you have cried to the Lord..

Now the waiting time must end, to kill your discord.

The plans and the purpose, that heaven has for you..

Is beyond what you think, for the chosen that are few.

On the road you must travel, you will never be alone..

For the armies of the Lord, will be flesh on your bone.

At times you may wonder, why your name was called..

For many are the mercies, that kept you when you stalled.

Though fear was your clothing, on days of despair..

Your hand in His hand, eradicated wear.

Great is your courage and strong is your faith..

For in the troubled waters, your anchor is never late.

Gather all your vessels, for your oil has arrived..

For when you get to where you're going, your love will be alive.


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