Repent Of Your Sins

 What you think you might loose, if the Lord has your heart..

When demons around you, present wealth in a cart..

Are lies and deception, in the portals of your mind..

For the love of Jesus, will never be unkind.

The justice of the world, as you play in the day..

From dust to dawn, will remain as your stay.

Gather your thoughts and run to the gate..

For redemption cometh, though you sit and wait.

Out in the deep, you might drown in the rough..

For the rumbling of the wave, is raging and tough.

Seek your preserver, for life as you go..

For sunlight is fading and you are going low.

Rest from your labour, beneath the fig tree..

But know just beyond, stands the one with the key.

You have time to decide, where you choose for your bed..

Where stars in the night time, will angels be led.

Do not crash where you will, with chains on your hand.

But run to the Master, for with Him you can stand.

Flee from captivity, through the red sea..

And repent of your sins

, so you could be free.


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