Passion Is Asleep

 The greetings of hope, have gone with the wind..

And clothing of anger, have garnered and skinned.

The portals you opened, for demons to sup..

Are gathered together, to drink from your cup.

The emptiness of joy and the smiles are all gone..

Where petals of roses, once danced all around.

Loneliness appears and tears fall like rain..

And despair becomes constant, with sorrow and deep pain.

Time after

time, the story is the same..

As shattered dreams come surging and grief wins the game.

Passion is asleep, in the valley of the king.. 

And honour is no more, than an empty vessel's bling.

Perhaps at the crossroads, where decisions must be made...

Weakness must be strength, for those who need your aid.

Where you fail you will fall, so persevere in peace..

And go to God for healing, so you do not decrease.


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