You Need To Want Jesus For Yourself

 I could tell you Jesus loves you a hundred thousand times..... but if you do not believe it, then you would never know how beautiful and perfect His love truly is.

I could pray for you every single day and encourage you in the Lord... but you have to want Him and surrender your all to Him.

I could hold your hand and lead you to the Lord.... but if you don't accept Him, then hell will be your home.

I could read to you from the Bible, about the promises of God.... but if you don't receive it by faith, then none will come forth for you.

I could visit you in the morning or call you in the night.... and plead the Blood of Jesus over you and your family.... but if you keep rejecting it, then you will always be exposed to the enemy.

I cannot make you love Jesus.

I cannot force you to choose Him.

I cannot push you on the narrow road.

I cannot make you drink from the Lord's cup.

You need to want Him for yourself.


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