You Must Decide

 You might be offended, when I speak about the Lord...

You might say, it is boring and suck your teeth with discord.

For those just like you, whose mind is made up....

The seeds that you sow, is what will fill your cup.

There are two roads to choose from, so choose yours with care...

For your eternal destiny, comes with deep prayer.

Without the Blood of Jesus, to make you white as snow...

You are doomed to spend forever, where peace will never go.

You might laugh at the ones, who choose the narrow way...

Who fall many times, but the Lord don't betray.

While you gain the whole world, in houses and land...

The ones you laughed at, will be those who will stand.

Write in your heart, the treasures of the Lord...

In gold upon tables, with brokenness and sword.

Rise up and fight, the good fight of faith..

For tomorrow comes quickly and you might be too late.

While the daylight is here, learn to trust and obey...

For darkness is hasting and I hope you don't pay.

Where the cost of the Cross, bought salvation to all...

You must decide, if you stand or you fall.


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