You May Be

 You may be rejected by man, but not by God.

You may be looked upon as filth, but God says you are beautiful.

You may be counted unworthy by man, but God says you belong to Him.

You may be told you are unlovable, but God loves you so much, He sent His only Son to die on the Cross for you.

You may be hungry, but God will always prepare a table before you, even in the presence of your enemies.

You may be thirsty, but God will give you Living Water.

You may be weak, but God's strength is made perfect in your weakness.

You may be lonely, but God is with you always, even to the end.

You may be sick, but God is your healer.

You may be lying down on a bed of affliction, but you will rise and take up your bed and walk in Jesus name.

You may be living in captivity, but who the Son of Man sets free, is free indeed.

You may be homeless, but God is your shelter.

You may be hopeless, but God will give you hope.

You may be lost, but God will leave the Ninety and nine and go look for you.

You may be broken, but God will mend you just like new.

You will be filled with sorrow, but God is your comfort.

You may be a nobody, but God will make you into a somebody.


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