Welcome Home My Wife

 I am not ashamed, of the gospel of God.

For it is sharper than any, two-edged sword.

My life I have given, to the only

One who died.

And I have no regrets, or any reason to cry.

It is not for you to know, why I chose the narrow way.

Or to understand or question, the reason why I pray.

You were not nailed, for all the world to see...

On the Cross, where the Lamb, was crucified for me.

I will shake the dust off and rise to the test.

And say to the Lord, I will always try my best.

At times in the valley, I will give a loud shout.

But the open ears of Jesus, will stiffle every doubt.

You may not like the way, I speak the Word of God.

And you may not come rejoicing, when I say, Jesus is my Lord.

When I stand on judgment day, to account for my life.

The words I need to hear, is, welcome home My Wife.

I go into my closet and shut the door behind.

And lay my heart wide open, to my King who is so kind.

With words of adoration, I thank Him for His love.

For without grace and mercy, I would never be His dove.


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