The Time You Were Here

 In the blink of an eye, you will roam no more.

For goodbye will be said, just like a folklore.

Your time will be up and you will be gone.

And tears will come running and hearts will be forlorn.

The time you were here, may be forgotten in time.

The clothes that you wore, might become trash or grime.

The ones you once loved, may cry for a while...

And the memories you left, my disappear like a style.

You are not the same, as the one next to you.

Though you breathe the same air and enjoy the morning dew.

Your life as a map, must be led to the Cross.

For before you blink twice, your breath could be lost.

It is important to live, in the light of the Lord.

To show forth His love and not promote discord.

What you cherish on earth, will all stay behind.

And only in Jesus, in heaven you will dine.

Let the legacies of God, be poured out like wine.

So those you leave behind, could be touched and refined.

The day will soon come, when the treasures you store...

Will determine if heaven, or hell be your door.


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