Visualizing Why God Chose Me

I sit in my hammock and I think about the goodness of God. And I try to visualize, what was going through His mind, as He created me in His own image and likeness. 

Why was I so important to the Lord, that He would choose Me, to be His own.... Was it my hair.... was it my voice.... was it the way I smile? 

Did God see through the air and the atmosphere.... and through time and space, and knew that I would love Him, more than my life..... when as yet I did not know Him?

All my life, I have loved the Lord. All my life, I have trusted Him. All my life, I have believed in His only begotten Son. All my life, He is the only God I have ever known. 

One of these days, I want to ask Jesus WHY HE CHOSE ME. I think that I am simple... but perhaps to Him, I am not. I think that I am not perfect.... but perhaps to Him, I am beautiful. I think I am weak.... but perhaps to Him, I am strong. 

There are so many questions I want answered. But maybe it is not important that I know the reasons. What is important, is that Jesus loves me and for that, I will always be grateful. 


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