That's Okay.

You might look at me and see an ordinary woman..  and not worth a second glance. I am small in stature, humble and meek, but always vibrant. 
I have so much untapped potential within me, just waiting to come forth. 
I love to hug others, because I know what it feels like to be neglected and desperate for someone to give me a hug... and not get it.
You might think that I am a fake, just putting on an act. But I am not a fake. I am real. I am kind. I am loving. I am honest.
Because I live my life by the leading of the Holy Spirit, I may not be everyone's cup of tea. And that's okay. 
My purpose here is to love my neighbour as I love myself. To reach out and give a helping hand. At times I might not live up to your expectations and you perhaps may get angry. Just please know that I deeply apologize, if I have offended you in any way, knowingly or unknowingly.
I wish you can truly see ME and get to know the me I

really am. I am a very beautiful woman, inside and out. 
All of my days, I have surrendered to the Lord and I pray every single day, to be who HE created me to be and to become. 


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