I Was Crowned

 I was made a little lower than the angels.

With glory and honour, I was crowned.

The Lord loved me so much, He set me over all the work of HIS hands.

The Lord put everything, in subjection under my feet.

How beautiful and special I must be, for God, who built me with His own hands.... and build all things.. to grant me permission, to be counted worthy, to be over His masterpieces.

I was created to be His very own house.... so that He could come in and sup with Me.

What an honour and a privilege, to be in the presence of the Lord Most High.

I pray, that I may never fall short of entering into His rest. That my heart be not hardened. That I hold my confidence steadfast, until the end. The the life of the living word of God, be transformed in my mind and be made manifest. Oh Lord... that I might obtain mercy and find grace in times of need.... In Jesus name, AMEN.


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