Everything Revolves Around The Lord

 God will use anybody and anything to be a blessing to His children. You may not always understand what or why something is happening... but not everything is for you to know.

God's ways are not like our ways. His thoughts are not like our thoughts. He is no respecter of persons. He will bless who He wants to bless. He will use who He wants to use. And who are we to question God.

When God blesses you, it is the answer to a prayer. You may not need the blessing immediately... but perhaps you will need it tomorrow. Perhaps it is not for you. Perhaps God will use you as the vessel, to transport the blessing to someone else. 

Everything in life does not revolve around US. Rather, everything revolves around the Lord. He is the Master planner.... the Master mover..... the Master shaker. When Jesus says yes, who are we to say no.

May we always cast aside self. May we strive to eradicate every unclean spirit of bondage, in Jesus name. That we may arise and take up our rightful place in the presence of the Lord. To do HIS will. And understand, that as we are blessed, so too, we must bless others. Thus fulfilling the calling of the Lord upon our lives.


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