Dance Without Disguise
In days of old, I read where it was told.
That the sacrifice of bulls, was offered for my sins.
I could never understand the reasoning behind what was done... but truth be told, I was glad.
Years have passed and now at last, the Cross upon a hill.
'Twas there behold, a Lamb was slain.. and died, so I could live.
Now free from sin, I am delivered within..
All glory and honour, to my King.
Though some will come and some will not.
Of that it was foretold.
For long ago, the Lord spoke so, that five were all, but wise.
In all you pack, may your heart be stacked, with treasures, way up high.
For where you go, be sure you know, either down or in the sky.
Come quickly, Righteousness so grand.
For with you, I will stand.
Though fear befalls me, I will rise....
And dance without disguise.
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