Count Your Blessings

 We pray for the rain and when it comes, we complain about mud and flood and the fact that we cannot go out as much as we would like, or do anything on the outside.

So we pray for the sun to dry up all the water... and when it comes, we complain about the heat, the dryness and the decrease of our water supply.

Us humans are very hard to please. Don't we know that God takes care of HIS own.... He never gives us more than we can bear. 

God knows what we are capable of doing and handling. Sometimes we might pray and ask Him for certain things... but we must remember that every request has a timing, and in the timing, there is a purpose.

We may not always understand why something is, the way it is.... But not everything is for us to know. 

While some of us might be asking for one thing, there are those who need the opposite. When God send the sun and we complain about it, someone else is grateful. When He sends us the rain and we complain, someone else is on their knees,

crying in gratitude.

Let us always be mindful of the many blessings we are given every single day... because what you may not want, someone somewhere, is begging God for it. 


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