You Failed

 I heard what you said, about me today.

It broke my heart and I felt betrayed.

I did not know, you could shoot so well.

But behind my back, your arrows, they fell.

I trusted you, with my private thoughts.

And like a bargain, in your ears were caught.

I thought you were my Aaron, friend....

Who would lift my hand, to the very end.

You did not think that I would know.

About the seeds, you thought would grow.

But God, the Lord, had His own time.

For condemnation, for your crime.

What you did, brought hurt and pain.

And I pray for you, in all your gain.

For what you planned, for my demise.

God turned around and yet I rise.

You failed, but still,

I hope you see.

Your choices shows, how weak you be.

For doors you opened, brought you shame.

And in your reaping, you lost the game.


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