My Searching

 I keep searching for something, but yet cannot find.

What I want most, that might be a blessing in kind.

I look and I look, till tiredness come.

But all I feel inside, is disappointment and glum.

I think in my head, the right answer is there.

But when I look around, I can't find it, anywhere.

What lessons to be learnt, I keep asking my heart...

For what I need most, is not singing, like a lark.

I know I need grace, to continue my search.

Because everything draws me, deeper in a lurch.

I pray to the Lord, to intervene, in my cause.

And show me His love, with wide open doors.

By faith I will get, what is prepared for me.

For though I am waiting, all obstacles must flee.

I give all my questions, to the Lord in prayer.

And I

wait patiently, in His love and care.

Though molding and making, might take up much time.

The refining will bring, what is free, from a dime.

I bow to the Lord, for His kingdom to come.

So I can testify, of where HE brought me from.


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