Like Wednesday

 Sometimes you feel like Wednesday...

 All stuck in the middle.

With mountains all around you....

 And in the valley there is dribble.

When silence stalks and no one talks.

And all you feel is gloom.

Look up my friend, for help has come.

To take you away, from the darkened slum.

I know the cost of trying hard.

Yet others think, to promote you bad.

Gently though you seek to lift.

The cup of crumbs  that is your gift.

Do not think to quench your smile.

Because you feel, it will revile.

What you do, is ordained high.

And not a voice can dare ask why.

Who you are and what you are worth.

Is not for others, to labour and birth.

You were chosen by command.

To be a light, so others stand.

Take your burdens to the Lord.

Up every mountain and down every vale.

He has promised to lift you high.

And never fail you, even if you die.


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