If You Don't Believe

 I can pray for you every single day.

And I can tell you that, everything will be okay.

But if you don't believe it's true.

Then all I say, will die at the pew.

I can lead you to the water.

But I cannot make you drink.

For you alone must decide.

If what I do, is for your right.

I can show you the importance, of having your bright smile.

And tell you that you're beautiful...

And the Lord will be your guide.

But if you choose to bury, the richness of your heart.

Then your cup will always be empty..

And the world will steal your joy.

I can pour the love of Jesus...

Deep inside your heart.

And do all that is written, to make you understand.

But if your heart is hardened...

Then know that God will keep.

All that He wants to give you.

While you are fast asleep.

I can bring you great, big fishes.

On platters lined with gold.

But if you reject my dishes.

Then hunger will fill your bowl.


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