I Knew, I Saw, I Understood

 When you were sitting under the fig tree..... I saw you.

When you were crying and saying to yourself, I  can't go on.....I heard you.

When you felt weak and worn and weary...... I heard your silent voice.

When you thought that no one understood how you felt,

inside your broken heart..... I knew.

When you had nothing to eat.... I saw your empty stomach.

When you gave up on ever finding someone to love.... I felt your loneliness.

When you were betrayed by those you called friends.... I understood.

When you lost the will to live.... I felt your heartache.

When you didn't want to get up in the morning and face another day.... I knew how you felt.

When you were being used and they thought you didn't know.... I knew.

When you stumbled and you fell and didn't have the strength to get up.... I was right there.

When you wanted to just disappear and go where nobody knew your name.... I read your thoughts.

When you just wanted to die..... I knew.

My sweet, precious child. There is nothing about you, that I do not know or see or hear or understand. I created you. I love you. I died for you. You are not alone. You never were and you never will be. I am your friend, till forevermore. I am just a prayer away. Whenever you need me, I will come to you. You are my own. I chose you. You complete me. You will always be my child. Come into my rest.


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