I Failed Today

I took my time to write to you, because the words were lost. I spent the day doing this and that and did not sit to chat. I spoke to those, I thought were wise and laughed at what was said.
Yet all the while, you stood aside, with arms stretched open wide.

I walked a lot and felt the heat, of the brightly, shining sun. I saw the waves come crashing hard and did not feel so bad. At times I felt the urge to eat, so I ate what was on my plate. I never took the time to look and see you by the brook.

As night drew close, before I dozed, I walked out to the porch. To my surprise, I saw the moon, in the midst of a clear night's sky.  How beautiful to gaze upon, such marvelous display. Of treasures rare, but very dear, from the Lord, who showed

much care.

I know I failed today by far. And for that, I do repent. For all the while, as time went by, you covered me with style. I pray before, the night is through, that your presence will embrace. The gratitude inside my heart and help me run this race.


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