Cherish Every Moment

So many times we settle for less than the best.
So many times we cry.
So many times we wish we could go back in time, and undo what we did.
So many times we realize, the past can never be undone.

In our marriage, we think all would be well. Everything would be just like a dream come true. Only to have our eyes wide open, when reality hits us like a rock. No happily ever after.... No passion..... No romance.... No date nights and dinner and dancing...... Nothing we hungered and longed and wished for, from since childhood. 

Life has its ups and downs. It is not always about what we want or what we expect. It is about putting off our party hat and putting on hats of crying.... hats of torment..... hats of sleepless nights..... hats of sweat and toil and labour. 

It is in the moments of doubt and fear, that we realize how much, learning to adapt to every situation, costs and shapes us into who we were truly meant to be. Sometimes nothing is as we expect it to be.... but everything is, as it is meant to be. 

Life is short. Make every moment count. Learn to cherish every single day and make new memories. Make new friends. Laugh and smile and dance in the rain. Forget about the cares of life and enjoy the time you have.  Don't put off for tomorrow, what you can do today. Tomorrow might be too late.


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