What If I Die Today

 What if I die today....

Would you miss me so much you would cry a million tears....

What if I die today....

Would you mourn because you lost the only one you love.....

What if I die today.....

Would you count the times you made me smile....

And we would sit and talk awhile....

What if I die today.....

Would you remember the way my face lit up when I smiled.....

Would you remember how many times I cried....

What if I die today....

Would you just move on as if you didn't care....

Would you think about the times when we were a pair...

What if I die today....

Would you talk about the joyous times, when we would dance while poems rhyme....

What if I die today....

Would you feel broken and empty and dead inside your heart....

Would you lie awake and think about the pieces of my started art....

What if I die today....

Would you put flowers on my grave and wish that I could be there to stay....

Would you think about the many ways I made you laugh and pray....

What if I die today....

Would you pray to God and ask Him if He might bring you to me someday....

Would you weep before the Lord and plead with Him to make a way....


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