The Cross

 Jesus Christ suffered the worst kind of punishment for us. The Cross was not just wood and nails nailed together like a letter T. The journey up to Golgotha Hill was lonely.... painful.... desperately broken.... filled with despair.... suffering.... blood.... sweat.... tears.... rejection.... loneliness.... patience..... separation..... discouragement..... disappointment.... humility.... compassion.... forgiveness.... mercy.... grace.... provision.... protection.... love.

Almighty God sent His only begotten Son as the ultimate sacrifice on earth.... for us... so that we could be restored and delivered and set free from our sins. He loved us so much that He knew if He didn't send His Son, we would have no hope of uniting to the Father. The Cross was the only way. Nobody else could restore us. Nobody else could do what only Jesus could do. Only His blood had the power and authority to bring change. It was the door that only Jesus could open. 

Do not take lightly the sacrifice on the Cross my brethren. Right now Jesus is your Saviour. One of these days He will be your judge. Today the ark is open. Tomorrow it will be closed. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow will be too late. Open up your eyes and see the times we are living in. Make sure that your calling and election is sure. Choose this day who you will serve. If you disobey the voice of God and choose to serve Satan, then you will reap the seeds you sow. You will have no one to blame but yourself. Invite Jesus into your heart and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour before you die and wake up in eternity. Judgement day is coming sooner than you think. Get your house in order hallelujah. 

The Lord touch you in Jesus name today.


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