My Grandma

 My grandma said a prayer.

A long, long time ago.

She wanted the generation after.

To know the God she knew.

She paved the way and prayed for us.

Who she knew would come someday.

Because of treasures that she stored.

In heaven, I am here today.

My grandma knew not who I was.

Or the name I would be called.

All she had inside her heart.

Was an unction to unfold.

That those who came after she left.

Might choose the Lord Most High.

My grandma never felt my touch.

Or saw my long, black hair.

But in her prayer she made a vow.

The Lord to hold my hand.

Her deeply calling from inside.

To act on my behalf.

Made a difference in my stand.

To obey the Lord's command.

My grandma's gone.

But here I stand.

To pray

for those tomorrow.

To let them know.

That someone cared.

And sowed some seeds to grow.


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