The Watchful Eyes Of God

 May your heart be always joyful. May your path be always clear. As you go through every struggle, may your faith be ever raised. If ever you are overwhelmed. Or drained beyond your understanding. Know that you are not alone. Forever, you are under the watchful eyes of God.

May your life be filled with untold favour. As you journey to and fro. With fragrances of sweetened heights. To take you everywhere. As you pursue your goals each day. I pray you are protected and equipped with everything you need, to be more than victorious. 

May your footsteps be ordained to trod on different levels. May your vision be clear enough, to see what is beautiful. May your ears be ever anointed with salve, to hear the sounds of any attack, that might be coming against you. 

Know that you are strong and will continue to grow from strength to strength as each day passes by. Be ever mindful of the words you speak. So that it will be

a blessing and not a curse. And above all, let your light continue to shine, in a world, that is sometimes covered in darkness.


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