The Night Is Coming

 You are set in your ways. You give honour to the queen of heaven. The abundance of your heart is speaking words, that shoot like arrows. You are consumed in the vows of your own making. You will accomplish, that which, has always been, within your heart, to do.

Now, therefore. Behold! Look upon the trees you have planted. Eat of the fruits of your labour. Grief shall be added to your sorrow. In your sighing, therein, shall you faint. Upon your bed, you shall find no rest. 

That which was built, shall be broken down. Though you seek great things for yourself, your seeking shall be in vain. Your harnessed horses shall run free. 

You shall no longer be swift in your heartstrings. You shall no longer be armed with strength. You have lost the battle. You shall no longer rise up as a flood and move as the river. You shall not be cured, though you use many medicines.

Arise! Make haste! For the way of truth shall come. The voice of gladness shall burst forth. Run! For arms are opened wide to receive you. Come! Into my bosom you shall find comfort. The night is coming. Do not tarry. 


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