Taste Every Sunset

 Every day when you get up, it is a new day. It is a new beginning. A new opportunity. A new experience. A new memory. A new encounter. It is a day to fill your heart and mind with buried potential within you. It is a day to embrace every single moment and be grateful for the air you breathe.

There are those who will breathe their last breath, while you are breathing in fresh, newness of life. There are those, who would see the beauty of what surrounds them, one last time. There are kisses of goodbye and tears ever flowing. From eyes that are as red as blood, with much crying like a river.

Everything your eyes feast upon, will change. What you can do today, DO.  Do not put off anything for tomorrow, because you might not live to see tomorrow. Savor every moment. Feel the touch of the warm embrace, of what is known as TODAY.  In the twinkling of an eye, what you see.... what you know... what you take for granted, can be gone.

The breath that you took yesterday has gone. The words you spoke yesterday, can never be unsaid. The unforgiveness or hate in your heart for others, will not be a blessing in your tomorrow... IF YOU GET THERE. It will break you. It will fail you. It will throw you to the ground. 

Be the best YOU, you can be, today... because tomorrow is not promised to you. Explore the broadening of the horizon, in hope and faith that something good is going to happen to you. Have high expectations of treasured moments spent with those you love. Walk with integrity and pride, with every footstep as you chart a course to new beginnings. Separate yourself from wastage and baggage and vanity of vanities.  

Let your heart be ever filled and overflowing with unconditional love towards others. Do the best you can, in all that you do. Turn your back on what is conceited and uncontrollable and learn to rise above every spirit of fear. Let history be told, in time to come, that YOU were one of a kind. Let books be written with a golden pen, and sealed with a golden seal, of who YOU were.... What YOU did.... The legacy YOU left behind. Make a difference in YOU.... Thus making a difference in others. 

Embrace every sunrise.  Taste every sunset. Let the gentleness of the wind blowing, caress your cheeks. Listen to the melodious choir of birds singing. Dig your feet upon the dust of the ground and feel its entirety of both softness and harsh tapestry, wherein it covers. Wrap your arms tightly around every raindrop, as it kisses your skin. Mold your heart to the gift you have been given, in being in the land of the living. And be gracefully broken in gratitude,

for the scent of God's richness upon you. 


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