Praise And Worship Is Your Table

You are not anyone else. You are YOU. You are unique. You are special. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are blessed and highly favoured. 
Your fingerprints are different from everyone else's. Your virtues, voice, characteristics and versatility is unconditionally yours and yours alone.

The way you walk. The way you talk. The way you smile. The essence of the sparkle in your eyes, as you look upon others, defines who you are. Your touch. Your taste. Your footsteps. They were all birthed within you, when you were made in secret.

The way you move. The soul and spirit inside the body, that is completely yours, is unlike any other. You are purely fragrant in your hunger for the gift of knowledge. What you give to others.... no one else can. 

As you continuously arise, others stand clear from your path, because defeat is not in your vocabulary. You are a mountain mover.... A prayer warrior.... A battle scarred, more than a conqueror, war wager. Victorious. Fearless. Powerful trampler of every distraction.... Masterpiece of the Most High God. Formed... Fashioned and Formidable Foe of the enemy. Praise and Worship is your table. 


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