One Day At A Time.

 As I sit and ponder about the life I live, my heart is filled with both joy and regret. Joy, for all the times, I had the opportunity and privilege, to arise above every circumstance. To see the values, of my calling and election, in choosing to make a difference in the lives of others.... To know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the life I live, I live in the midst of the covering of hope and love.

 Regret... IN my lack of knowledge... in my mistakes... in my failures.... in my wrong choices... The hurt and disappointment and frustration, I perhaps, may have made and thus bringing hurt and despair to my... neighbours.

When I was younger, there was a deep longing and desire in my heart, to be, older. I had this great misconception, that, if only I was older... more mature... I might be more inclined to go my own way.... choose my own path.... make my own decisions... never be held accountable to anyone... and ultimately... be queen of my very own castle..... BUT OH! The voice and thoughts of the young. The weak... The milk drinker. The shadow of what was to come.

I didn't know, that getting older, brought forth, greater responsibility for my actions. Being weighed down and bent, by the mountains upon my back, as I walked through every valley. My eyes could not see, beyond my shadow, the depth of despair and the suffering, age would birth. I wasted my substance, in satisfying my cravings of age.... If only I knew. If only I had insight into futuristic obligations and stewardship. 

Never let it be said, that the quickened heart, might bear fruits of worth. Some of my fruits were rotten. Some mediocre. Some worthwhile. Some, sufficient, just for the thorns by the wayside, to wrap around so tightly, as to strangle the taste within. 

Today, I am forever grateful, for every single opportunity to make a difference. To encourage the babes... the young cubs.... to slow down. Take a moment and live. Enjoy the journey through life. Savour the fragrance of roses. Taste the honey from the honeycomb. Run like the wind. Let moment by moment come, to enhance your taste buds. To build strength. To break free from the bondage of being enslaved. Allow the effectual, fervent prayer of being a righteous warrior, speak with a million voices.

 Let the continuous evolution of your impact and destiny, bring transparency and transformation in all you do. Don't be in a hurry. But be ever mindful, to stop and see the beauty that surrounds you, as you close every chapter of your life, with Grace and Love. Take one step at a time. One day at a time. 


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