Old Rotten Rags

 Sometimes in life, you are wronged for being obedient. You are wronged for being right. You are spit upon for doing what you know in your heart, is the right thing to do.

There are those around you, who do not like opposition. They will cast you aside. They will let you down into a deep, dark dungeon. Without water. Without food. So you sink into the mud... forgotten. 

But even in times of trouble, there is always one person on your side. One person, who sees with empathy, your circumstances. One person, who stands in the gap. One person, who has your back. One person, who becomes your voice, in the midst of silence.

Sometimes, old cast clouts. Old rotten rags, become cords of purpose and strength. To lift you out of the darkness. The trash becomes the treasure, in your rise to freedom and elevation.

There is always a preparation before a blessing. There is always death before you become alive. What was meant to destroy you, will ultimately promote you. Though they slay you. Yet will you rise. 

Do not question your pruning. Do not endeavour to comprehend the mindset of your enemy. You will always be a winner and more than a conqueror. 


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