No Longer My Treasure

 Why have you departed from me? Why did you turn your heart to stone? Where did the love you once professed for me gone? I am so unhappy. I gave you everything I had. I released upon you, the essence of my being..... but you left me.

The crown has fallen from off your head. Part of your glory shall be scattered in the wind. You shall be a waste, in the sight of all that pass by. You shall loathe yourself, for all the tears you made to fall, because of your hardened heart.

An end shall come upon you from the four corners of who you are, because of your departure from me. I watch for you, but you have made your bed upon thorns. You have lost your way to tenderness. You have departed from your first love and morning has come unto you. It has indeed, gone forth.

The rod has blossomed and pride has budded. The time for your mourning has come to a perpetual end. You lost your vision and seek not to attain to higher heights. You caused my heart to be broken in uncollectible pieces.

You are no longer my treasure. You are no longer my anchor. You are no longer my escape. You are no longer on the mountains, like doves of the valleys. 

When once, your hands were consumed with strength to embrace me.... today they have become feeble. Your knees are become weak, as water that is stagnant. Your silver and your gold are become as vapour that disappears when it rises. Your beauty as an ornament, is not to behold by me. For I am not to be called, your own. 

You are not the holder of the key to my heart anymore. My face has turned away from you. You cannot look upon me, in my secret place....where once you could.

Oh! That this might be a dream.

 Oh! That I might awake. 

Oh! That I might see you running and leaping for joy, as you usher in my forever love.


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