Lies And Deception

Why do you accuse me of something I did not do? Why do you spread rumors and lies about me? Why are you trying so hard to destroy my character, when you know I am innocent?

You expect me to ask, how high... when you say jump. You expect me to say, yes... to everything you say. You expect me, to cast aside my responsibilities and commitments, to cater to your needs. But you try to destroy me with your lies and actions. 

 So many times in my life, you attempt to hold an emotional gun to my head. No questions are asked. No information is given. I am made to look guilty... just because you think it is your right, to look good. 

Where does it end? When does it end? Why does it have to be this way? You are not walking in my shoes. You do not know what I can and cannot afford, or do. You promote hate. You promote division and separation. 

Lies and deception have got to end. It has to stop. One of these days, you will have to give account for your deeds. Do not presume to destroy my life. Because you will ultimately fall,

into the pit you are trying to dig for me. 


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