Learn To Find Grip

Every day, words are published. Those words set up a standard, in the tablets of our heart. Sometimes there is a concealed subject set in stone. That generations ahead, might be counted worthy and wise enough, to travel through each passageway and decipher what is hidden within. If a blessing. If a curse. That remains a mystery yet to be unraveled.

It is often the shattered pieces of brokenness, that brings to the fore, the trials and persecutions of one's own lost soul. Searching within the minds, of those who traveled through time before us, brings intrigue... suspicion and a hunger for knowledge of what once was and what might be. Yet, through every facet of passion within us, there lies a deep desire to see within the hearts and minds of those who put pen to paper... and created epistles to determine what we might become.

Words in its entirety, enhances the birth of unrequited love. It envelopes the same scales of balanced art. It piques our interest. It destroys our lives. It leaves a collection of lost dreams and hopes. It covers a multitude of happily ever after. Words, renew our minds. It transcends time and tide. It breaks down barriers. It wins wars. It causes catastrophic circulation of destruction. 

What used to be, might be again. If you see no cause for an action to be corrected. Then what causes the shattering of hearts and minds and lives, from the east... from the west... from the north... and from the south, then the water courses of brotherly acts of love, can never be removed. It can never depart. There will be weeping. There will not be a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.

Do not be a lost sheep. Do not let your raiment be grave clothes. Do not allow your shepherd to lead you astray. Do not be kept down in the valley all of your days. Learn to find grip. Learn to catch a foothold on the edge of a mountain. Learn to hoist yourself up. Remember where is your resting place. Do not be devoured by arrows, that shoot inside your soul and destroy what is your destiny. Rather, let wisdow become your guide. And see your adversaries of strongholds,

become melted wax. 


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