Know Who Is Your Friend

Everyday, we are surrounded by people. People who influence you.... people who discourage you.... people who disrespect you.... people who love you.... people who hate you... people who cannot forgive you.... people who deceive you.... people who lie to you.... people who build and support you.... people who pray for you.

During your time here on earth, you will meet the good.... the bad...and the ugly. Not everyone around you is a blessing. Not everyone around you is your friend. Not everyone around you is AROUND you.

It is of the utmost importance, that you pray for a Spirit of Discernment. It will equip you, in knowledge and wisdom. You will be able to recognize who is for you and who is against you. You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, who is OF GOD and who is of the devil.

You will know them by their fruits. Educate yourself in the principles of Almighty God. So that when the enemy comes in like a flood...  the Lord will raise a standard in you. Otherwise you will perish for a lack of knowledge. 

In these last days, increase your communication with the Lord. Get into your secret place. Get intimate and go on a forever honeymoon with God.... Because the devil wants to kill you. He wants to destroy you. He does not like you. You are on his hit list. He will do whatsoever it takes, to get you to turn away from the Lord. 

Remember who you are. Remember who died for you on the Cross of Calvary. Remember that one of these days, you will have to stand before the Lord and give an account of your life here on earth and the choices you made. You will stand all alone. No one will be there to prop you. No one will be there to support you. No one will be there to hold your hand. No one will be able to speak on your behalf. It will be every man for themself. 


that not everyone who says " I am a friend", really is YOUR FRIEND. Looks are deceiving, so be very careful. Wake up. Open your eyes and see what is taking place around you. Bible prophecies are being fulfilled. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Do not allow ANYONE or ANYTHING  make you loose your salvation and go to hell. Make sure your calling and election is sure. 


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